
Tanya & Jawab



Teman jalan

Tour & Travel

Tujuan Wisata


Hong Kong Disneyland Trip 3D2N ( 05 Maret 2016 - 07 Maret 2016 )

idol, pada 22 Jan. 2016, 8.44
di Cari teman jalan

Start: 4 Maret 2016, 17.00

Bro sis, gue ada rencana ngetrip ke HK awal maret, main focus nya sih ke disneyland ya.. Btw berangkat ama pulang dari Denpasar, Bali. Maksudnya sih nyari temen buat meringankan biaya penginapannya aja hehehee... yang mau join yuk marii.. nih sekalian itinerary yang gue buat (bebas sih mau ngikut apa engga yang penting airlines ama accommodation bareng). Sisa keterangannya ada di notes ya. yang mau tanya tanya comment aja yaak. thankiiieessss
Hong Kong Disneyland Trip 3D2N (5/3/16-7/3/16)
DPS > SIN : 10.45 > 13.20 : JetStar
Airport : 13.20 > 15.45 : Transit
SIN > HKG : 15.45 > 19.45 : JetStar
Hotel : 19.45 > 21.30 : Rest
City Tour : 21.30 > 02.00 : Near Hotel
Hotel : 02.00 > 06.00 : Rest
Disneyland : 06.00 > 22.00 : 1Day
Hotel : 22.00 > 07.00 : Rest
City Tour : 07.00 > 11.00 : Downtown
Airport : 11.00 > 14.20 : Standby
HKG > SIN : 14.20 > 18.15 : JetStar
City Tour : 18.15 > 03.00 : Transit
Airport : 03.00 > 07.15 : Rest
SIN > DPS : 07.15 > 09.55 : JetStar
Budget Estimate:
DPS > HKG : IDR 1.747.500 (per pax-from traveloka)
HKG > DPS : IDR 1.831.900 (per pax-from traveloka)
Nice Hotel : IDR 3.000.000 (alone+bfast)
: IDR 2.000.000 (if 2pax+bfast)
Budget : IDR 1.000.000 (alone)
: IDR 500.000 (if 2pax)
Disneyland : IDR 1.000.000 (converted from HKD 539)
Food & Stuff: IDR 3.000.000 (safe)
- Airfare ticket might be change due to the fluctuation of the airlines booking.
- Budget for accommodation will be change due to the total pax join.
- Payment will be needed to settle the airfare and accommodation only.
- Itinerary is not a must. You can go on with your own itinerary, ONLY the airlines and accommodation will be on a same schedule.
- Passport, visa or any document if needed, it’s on your own.
- Please do RSV before 1st of February 2016.

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