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Tujuan Wisata


Visit Lombok - Sumbawa 2012

Jia, pada 10 Jan. 2013, 5.51
di Blog

Visit Lombok-Sumbawa was Indonesian Government Program to promote the tourism in West Nusa Tenggara during year 2012. Every year, our government choose 1 area in Indonesia to promote their tourism. Was glad that 2012 to be the time for West Nusa Tenggara to do that.

I live in Sumbawa, but i go to Lombok very often. It takes 7 hours (include 1 or 1.5 hours on ferry) from Sumbawa Besar (Capital City of Sumbawa) to Mataram (Capital City of Lombok).

Lombok/Mataram is the capital of West Nusa Tenggara Province as we know is getting famous, almost as famous as Bali. It becomes one of the most interesting tourist destinations in Indonesia. No wonder! they have so many interesting places, their cultures, traditions, and the people are so amazing. They have many interesting things to attracts people to visit Lombok.

On the other side, people never know much about Sumbawa, some people (even indonesian itself) don't know about it at all. Tourists from Bali fly over to Lombok, and that's it! But some others who want to go to Komodo Island should pass Sumbawa and only drop by for awhile without doing anything here. But they are wrong. Many amazing places in Sumbawa which are waiting to be visited. Sumbawa Government now is in progress to promote Sumbawa Tourism because we believe that Sumbawa can be so much better than Bali or Lombok. Some people call Sumbawa as the hidden paradise.

On Dec 22nd 2012, i started my 11 days trip around Sumbawa-Lombok. Was so amazing trip and happy that i at least did my Government program "Visit Lombok-Sumbawa 2012. But besides that 11 days trip, I went to many interesting places in Sumbawa & Lombok. Every places i visit always amaze me, and makes me realize how rich Indonesia is.

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E_I_O Newbie
pd. 17 Juli 2013, 14.04

nice trip mbak,,jdi pengen kesana hehehe :bigsmile:

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fany Newbie
pd. 4 Juni 2013, 18.49

ane mau nyoba ke sana pake skupi dengan babeh boncengan. biasa ank bikers. hehehe.

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monk benzema
monk benzema
monk benzema Newbie
pd. 21 Maret 2013, 13.16

ora weruh kowe ngemeng ope ndes :D

Suka 0
Jia Newbie
pd. 14 Maret 2013, 12.51

halo smua nya sorry gak aktif bgt dsni
lebih jelasnya liat bloq q aja yah

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Ajiib Newbie
pd. 14 Maret 2013, 11.52

komen nya gak harus bahasa inggris kan? :malu:

kok gak nyritain detail biaya selama liburan dsana y? :capek:

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dodypermana122 Newbie
pd. 7 Maret 2013, 18.12

yang pernah sailing tour lombok-komodo minta infonya dong? lebih baik ikut travel agent atau tidak perlu. thanks :bigsmile:

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babayy Newbie
pd. 22 Feb. 2013, 2.12

udah pernah juga jalanin lombok-komodo naek perahu 5h4m, ayo share infonya lagi donk soal sumbawa..
soalnya menurut gw orang-orang jarang ke sumbawa karena disana kurang banget infonya..apakah ada penginapan, kotanya gimana, transportasi gimana, budget rata-rata harian berapa agak kurang terpromosi begitu ya!
been there and i have to admit, i'm gonna explore the island one day soon, ntar numpang ya pujia :malu:

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