
Tanya & Jawab



Teman jalan

Tour & Travel

Tujuan Wisata


Going to Paradise of Bali!! March 6th 2023 Looking for an Eng teacher friend who is also on holiday in Bali to exchange stories in teaching English

@Kartikaza, pada 7 Feb. 2023, 13.12
di Tanya & Jawab

Start: 6 Maret 2023, 8.07

As a passionate educator, I aim to create a learning environment conducive to active, engaged learning. I strive to be evidence-based, create a safe learning space & make the educational experience fun with an Islamic education approach. I believe in developing lifelong learners as in today's world, and we are preparing learners for jobs that might not exist. So, I'm on the way... going to Bali for a holiday with the theme of a muslim teacher who longs for freedom of learning language in culture, greetings language lovers 🐈🦋 It would be wonderful if a great teacher read this!! Paradise of Bali is waiting for you🤫✨


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