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On May 2011, I finally got chance to do the eurotrip as I have been dreaming since I was 13 years old.
The route was Paris - Prague - Rome - Florence - Pisa - Turin - Milan - Madrid - Barcelona.
I left from Jakarta on 12 May 2011, transit at KL and flew to Paris using new Air Asia line. I got back in Jakarta on 31 May 2011, so I spent about 17 days in Europe.
It was an amazing trip. Europe is truly beautiful.
In fact, I am willing to do another eurotrip someday.
During the trip I have also fulfilled another dream of mine to watch my favourite team, Juventus, play live in Olimpico Stadium, Turin. It was a wonderful experience which I consider a biggest achievement in my life.
The planning itself took me almost a year, to decide the best routes, struggle to minimize the budget (of course budget is always a big issue!!), book the accommodation and take care the administration (visa). Honestly, I enjoyed the planning process the same as I enjoyed the trip it self.
The bottom line is everything about eurotrip is so awesome so you really have to try it for yourself!!!
*I do realize that I am not good in writing a story..^^ but if anyone want to know the details of the trip, incl. the budget, just send me a message, I'll be happy to share.. ;)
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pd. 14 Jan. 2012, 17.03
Hai Rafalicious,
Lo Ada email gak? Bs gw kirim detail transportnya ke email lo. PM ke gw aja email address lo.
Gw kemaren lebih banyak pake pesawat, antar negara smua pake pesawat, Madrid ke Barcelona juga pake pesawat.
Gw pake kereta cuman antar Kota di Italy doank.
Klo biaya relatif murahan pesawat sih, soalnya di Europe banyak budget airlines, waktu perjalanannya juga lebih cepet.
Tapi emang lebih rush Dan ribet krn harus check-in cepet2 ke Bandara. Klo lo punya banyak waktu bisa nyoba pake kereta mungkin lebih santai travelingnya.
Mei udah spring. Tergantung lo travelnya ke eropa bagian mana.
Balas Suka 0Klo yg letaknya di utara masih rada dingin, waktu gw di Paris dan di Prague sekitar 16 deg C gtu, jd masih pake jaket, tapi yg biasa aja gak usah yg tebel2 banget. Klo yg lebih Selatan ky Italy and Spain, udah panas.. Dah gak perlu jaket lagi..
pd. 8 Jan. 2012, 9.37
Hai Isye,
Untuk transportasi antar negara di Eropanya boleh bagi detilnya? Mana aja yang lebih pas pake pesawat or train?
Di bulan Mei, sudah Spring ya harusnya. Perlu bawa mantel atau tidak?
Thanks a lot
Balas Suka 0pd. 21 Des. 2011, 15.52
The eurotrip cost me 28 million rupiahs (all-in). :cry:
Balas Suka 0i have been saving specifically for it since I got my first pay check.
But,it is worthy though..since it is all about fulfilling a big dream.. :)
pd. 21 Des. 2011, 14.22
how much do you spend 4 your eurotrip?
Balas Suka 0