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Start: 10 Nov. 2014, 17.00
hayyuuuuuuuuuuuuuu kesana lagi ........ walau amish cari cari tiket yang gak ada temen ke sana kaya gue hayuu gabung ... di cari temen2 yang ngocol dan ngebanyol abis .......
nih sdikit info tentang LOY KRATHONG :
Perhaps the most charming of all of Thailand’s festivals, Loy Krathong takes place on the full moon evening in November. ‘Loy’ means to float, and a ‘krathong’ is a basket made from banana stem and leaves and is decorated with flowers, a candle and three incense sticks. During the evening, local people will go to their local canals, rivers or the sea to float their krathongs which they believe will bring them good luck in asking for forgiveness from the Goddess of Waters for the abuse she has suffered over the past year. People usually make a wish at the same time and some people believe that if the candle remains burning until the krathong is out of sight then their wish will come true. Lovers often float a krathong together. Northern Thailand has a different type of krathong, a hot air balloon called a ‘Khom Loy’, and these are now often found all over the country. The sight of thousands of khom loys rising into the sky and a river or the sea filled with flickering candles is truly magical. Firework displays and ‘Nong Noppamas’ beauty contests are also held.
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pd. 7 Nov. 2014, 15.09
rencana 13-17 nov 2014 ke thailand berdua dgn istri
Balas Suka 0sbg newbie blm punya cukup info
boleh tlg info kalau berkenan
w.a/line 088.11111.837
pd. 5 Nov. 2014, 10.59
izin ninggalin jejak gan :keren:
Balas Suka 0pd. 17 Juni 2014, 0.51
Saya ada rencana Malaysia - Phuket - Bangkok tgl 5-9nov..
Balas Suka 0Berdua saja.. Tiket pesawat jkt-kl-jkt.. KL-phuket-bangkok-KL naek Kereta.. Mgkin bs brg ke loy krathongnya :D
pd. 15 Juni 2014, 20.25
serius 7 november? :bingung: haha kirain pertengahan november kalau gitu pas dengan jadwalku tgl 1 november cgk bangkok terus ke chiangmai,chiangrai,laos sd tgl 8/9 november,,,kalau loy krathongnya beneran tgl 7 nov, bakalan trip ke laos dulu, baliknya baru ke chiangrai dan chiangmai,,, :dugem: ,,,barusan cek google ternyata beneran tgl 5,6 dan 7 november yippppiiii,,,miss fujiko sudah fix tgl 11 novembernya?
Balas Suka 0pd. 11 Juni 2014, 13.51
hbis buka jadwal festival,bukannya loy krathongtgl 7 november ya????....
Balas Suka 0pd. 5 Mei 2014, 13.43
november tgl brp ms ? renc kami b% tgl 26 - 2 des. tgl 27 - 29 kita jg akan ketemu tmn BPI di pataya lanjut bangkok.barangkali bisa barengan ? sila pm ya ms,kalo bisa ....tks
Balas Suka 0