
Tanya & Jawab



Teman jalan

Tour & Travel

Tujuan Wisata


indra.arie Newbie

Status: Aktif




Saya dapat menyediakan rumah singgah bagi backpacker yang ingin jalan2 ke kota jayapura,papua tapi saat ini saya tidak memiliki kamar khusus tamu.
Jika berkenan bisa tidur dimana saja di dalam rumah menggunakan sleeping bag....
Saya bisa menerima anggota backpacker laki2 atau perempuan.

I have 1 guest room, its enough for 3 people.With AC

If that room unavailable, can sleep at floor in any places inside my home with bed/carpet/sleeping bed.

Im sorry for a several month i cant host you because right now there is no room for guest, but if you not mind you can stay in my home and can sleep with your sleeping bag at any space ( living room or other available room...)

I live in jayapura city of Papua ,indonesia
I live with my Sister n her husband with 3 child,if you stay at my home you muSt respect them too....
I have 1 guest room with 1 big bed,
I have 3 dog,they are my best friend :)
I am a smoker!
The distance from Jayapura city to my home just 5 minute,near Jayapura harbour but my home is far away from the airport

If i not busy i can bring you to walking/drive around Jayapura city but if i busy i cant do that (i have home company and didnt has worktime so it is always not sure...)
There's many nice place i can show you around jayapura,

You can stay at my place as long as you want,but please dont use my home like a transit/bus station. Keep clean,respect each other.

Terima kasih/merci/gracias/xie-xie


